Monday, March 4, 2013

why choose BIO-STRUCTURE?

Wondering, why the girl who’s very hate bio-science when her at school suddenly become applying the bio-structure with her projects?

ACTually, I have no IDEA
It Begins with the invitated from my sister, went to mall, we stopped into the bookstore called “gra**dia” then I saw around to find my interested which is architectural’s book. I couldn’t find some because more expensive price x| I found new little book called “Bio-structural Analogues in Architectural” brilliant! Its about how concepting and analyxe modeling. Then, thanks Allah to support me! The story began from conversation.

My sister said : “what are you doing with that book”,
with my sparkled eyes “I want this book, sist, but look at the prices. I don’t have money”
My sister : “is it your need?”
Me : “Ofc! Look! They learn what I must learn!”
Sister : “if you need that so much, I must to buy this one… BUT!”
Me : “BUT????”
Sister : “make sure this book is useful to your brains and knowledge!”
Me : “YES, MADAM! I’ll J” “Thankyou so much”
Sister : “Just remember!”

Here’s the proves that I have that book

 Teach me how to make a concept from the strctures of plants and animal. small but it makes for amaze your idea
                This inspirational book seeks to discover the architectural potential of biological structures as can be found in nature, in the world of seashells, corals, plants and animals. The structures that give biological forms strength, movement, firmness and flexibility are studied, illustrated and used as an inspiration for a huge number of design experiments, of which the thinking, working and final prototyping process is shown in this book.
                In case, I didn’t like biology when I was in school! But why it must be Bio-structure in my mind? Well, there’s a positive reason : (1) I like to make sth new and different, (2) I love plants, and (3) we are bio, and bios need to meet each other, reciprocal relationship of mutualistis, I will make plants or animals structure can be bought to buildings.

As I should, I had to apply Bio-Structure

This what I want to going to my dreamland, I need to learn much Bio-structural. Then I want to be a famous Architect’s woman were able to make a differences :D high dreams are definitely BEST FUTURE!