Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Importance of Architect Profession for Children

Hi guys, how was your day? i hope its a good news

First of all, lemme tell you something. Architect profession is just not a profession but as an architect that will be bring the change to this world. As an architect, they must give changes for people to use and improve the architecture that has been provided. As well as respond to current problems in jakarta are factors that increase the population density of inadequate housing. When their work is commendable, it's just that they do not understand the beauty that attracted the attention of government. Therefore, I will clarify the importance of the profession of children in a village to raise a better generation in the future

Who said children in a village didnt need awareness on architect profession? they need it! very need it! arschitect will have a beauty and imagination needed. Sometimes i wonder, how they could live in a place that should be a beauty and imaginative work. Crativity is more important, with it they can have imagination that will turn into an ideas then the ideas will turn into a reality. They can build something that can be recycled and build their dream houses. thus offering benefits for them and their family.

As we know, children love play and go forward. Play is a kind of creativity. What we need is to give them knowledge by playing. one of the ideas that emerged from my mind is to give an opportunity to work on children in a village. the work in the form of something useful such as vases, containers and playhouses. so, their work could be sold to the public in a hope that the children in a village could also to be creative. until now the concept of my ideas still keep going and don't know when it might be applied. I need the support from my family and friends. May Allah Bless me too :)

thus, we should give the change early on which a creativity that is important, especially in the children around us. they need to learn, they need happiness. such as the importance of the profession for those who do not know it. let's move and work! Make a change.

Friday, October 17, 2014


as I have a previous post about the bio-structure, I am very happy to learn how a structure of living things in order to survive. but until now I haven't apply that concept into the lecture, the time factor is also distrust. Now I've arrived at seventh grade, and trying to apply the concept of bio-structure. oh yeah 

on the title? Fortunately I was undergoing research on bioclimatic architecture, yap fits perfectly with the title of the project I'm interested in today is urban farming. save the earth is human's duty, isn't it? bioclimatic architecture is a building that responds to local climatic conditions, thus saving the cost of electricity and psychological health. known figure in his work is Ken Yeang, he is an architect of Malaysia and one of the 50 characters that save the earth. wow! so proud of you, sir. hopes to become the heroine who plays a role in saving the earth :) 

urban farming will require a lot of light from the outside and ward solar radiation, with adjustments to local climatic conditions. the enormous influence of climate response. bioclimatic architecture is the right choice for urban farming project. however, whether the concept of bio-structure can be combined with bioclimatic? first, look at this picture 

in general, the form of bio-structure is strengthening the structure of the elements. in bioclimatic theory, the outside walls are framed and hollow to reduce excessive air intake so that the air deflection. while the interests of living beings is the most important, it isn't wrong if the concept of an element when the living being itself. therefore, this is a perfect blending. so that the intimate relationship between human beings and plants will arise and the better social activities because of the influence of architecture that resembles the shape of living things. with no egos or individualism.

So, what is a bio-architecture-climate structure is an architectural concept that takes into the strengthening of the structure in bios and its response to climate. I've been thinking to make the shorter word, with the title "Biostruclimate" hahaha idk people, it's just suddenly there was lighting ball above my head. I also think of the relationship diagram of this concept, following my personal analysis :
on the diagram to explain the benefits of climate elements must be incorporated into the building while that is not used is discarded

the conclusion is returned to you, how do you work the concept to save the earth with the conditions that exist today. very sad. let's think about the program of your own creations, peeps. thankyou

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


As an architecture student, we need to discuss about architecture in global
Terkadang, adakalanya mengikuti perkembangan zaman modern tidak dianggap ironis karena justru itulah yang dapat membantu mengembangkan skill kita. Bagaimana tidak? sekarang ilmu pengetahuan dicari dengan browsing, selain meningkatkan potensi otak kita untuk menyerap, menyimpan, dan mendiskusikannya namun mempengaruhi kesenangan fikiran (feeling blast) hanya dengan permainan layar komputer/laptop dan perangkatnya.

No further ado

Penulis blogger ini mengalami hal serupa karena berbagai pelajaran yang dipelajari di lokasi kampus belum maksimal. Dengan mencari referensi yang ada, nah inilah beberapa website yang penulis temukan keberadaannya di dunia internet serta penjelasan isinya.

Sudah cukup terkenal lah yaa.... sebagian mungkin ada yang tau website ini menampilkan secara lengkap projects arsitek ternama di dunia pada masa modern ini. bahkan ada pilihan tipologi bangunannya. namun bukan hanya itu, website ini menampilkan video interview dengan seorang arsitek dan beberapa artikel.

Website yang harus sign in dulu untuk membaca artikelnya. karena mugkin proteksi sih ya. tapi emang benar, web ini berbicara mengenai The Big Rethink/The Big Conclusion review arsitektural sehingga dibutuhkan sesuatu yang legal, tapi mengasah otak banget dijamin.

Kalau yang ini mungkin hanya sekedar informasi penting namun tidak spesifik. untuk pemula apalagi ini sangat dibutuhkan, karena ada artikel yang memuat "mengapa menjadi arsitek", "langkah menjadi arsitek", dan bahkan "mengapa harus kencan dengan seorang arsitek" yeaah :p tenang, tapi ada juga karya menarik yang ditampilkan.

Inilah salah satu favorite penulis. bahasanya yang mudah dimengerti dan kita bisa menemukan projects by country, apalagi menunjang student corner dan architecture quotes! check that out ;)

Memberi informasi website berita-berita arsitektur secara global. ini penting banget loh untuk didiskusikan kepada mahasiswa lainnya bahkan jika bisa sampai ke luar negri, ya mungkin dengan cara forum di internet. juga penting bagi indonesia mengembangkan arsitekturnya dengan membaca problems of world nya sebuah proyek.

Yup! sesuai URL website nya, kehidupan seorang arsitek. untuk menjalani kehidupan seorang arsitek tidaklah mudah, maka inilah saatnya membaca beberapa tips bagi para pemula agar tidak terlalu stressed out :p bahkan dipelajari bagaimana cara men-sketsa.

But more information..... facebook community pun juga berlomba menampilkan info yang terbaik. Salah satunya yang ada yaitu Design For Need ya.... bukan tentang spesifikasi arsitektur melainkan untuk menyadarkan kondisi mothernature di dunia serta gaya hidup. inilah yang bertentangan dalam proses pembangunan arsitektur sehingga kita tau apa saja yang dibutuhkan saat ini dan untuk kota yang sustainable.

After all

Website ini yang biasa digunakan penulis sebagai referensi dan informasi seputar arsitektur di dunia, masih banyak kok website yang juga menampilkan yang terbaik. So, jika ada saran lain, lebih baik kita saling share. Thanks a lot

Monday, January 20, 2014

Museum Musik Tradisional & Auditorium

Here we go....
i told you i will post my semester 5 project

Sebelumnya mohon maaf bila ada kekurangan dalam mengerjakan proyek semester 5 ini yang menyebabkan timbulnya komentar2 dari anda para pembaca, tapi semester 5 ini sudah berakhir. Karena menurut pendapat dosen saya, hasilnya kurang memuaskan dan tidak pantas saya bilang kalau karya ini saya banggakan. entah maksudnya meningkatkan potensi agar saya lebih baik lagi atau memang senang berkomentar tanpa menghargai usaha saya. i've try soo hard and im proud. Thank you.

Tema yang diterapkan pada kasus proyek ini adalah Teknologi Bentang Lebar. Dimana tipologi yang saya gunakan adalah Pendidikan serta Hiburan

Project : Museum Musik Tradisional & Auditorium Musik
Topik : Akustik
Judul : Penerapan akustik dalam keutamaannya sebagai pemikiran imajinatif bagi masyarakat

LOCATION : Jl. Arief Rachman Hakim, Menteng Raya, Jakarta

Dengan kondisi saat ini, masyarakat lebih memilih kehidupan yang modern bahkan tradisional dianggap kuno. Saya berupaya bagaimana masyarakat lebih mengenal kehebatan musik tradisional nusantara namun tetap membudi dayakan kehidupan modern. Dengan penggabungan ini, sirkulasi pada denah saya permudah dan praktis serta simple (penerapan kebiasaan perilaku modern). dengan rem agar pengunjung tidak bersusah payah menaiki tangga. walaupun yang dipamerkan adalah musik tradisional dan mungkin akan membosankan maka saya memasukkan pula sense of modernism dengan alat musik sebagai aplikasi permainan pada setiap alat musik. Sehingga permainan ini menusuk pemikiran imajinatifnya agar berpengaruh pada pengetahuannya.


Friday, January 3, 2014


After see the title. almost we said :

Baru? tandanya kita meninggalkan yang lama. tapi kita ga akan pernah lupa hal yang 'lama' itu. "Legends Are Lesson". Think that our Legends are the past what we did, what we seen. Ga jauh dari kata 'yang lalu' pasti selalu ada biarlah berlalu. no, not like that guys. bukan berarti let it flew away, tandanya mengambil keuntungan dari yang lalu itu. bukan, bukan memanfaatkan juga... tapi sebuah pelajaran di dunia nyata bukan pelajaran mata kuliah. keuntungan apakah itu? apabila yang lalu adalah hal buruk tentu kita tak akan menjadikannya kembar atau lahir untuk kedua kalinya, maka dari itu hal buruk adalah sebuah positisme yang mampu mengubah jalan hati kita. lalu apabila yang lalu adalah hal menyenangkan? Ok i know that it was awesome! but..... hal menyenangkan adalah pengujian bagi kita untuk seberapa besar kita lupa dengan hal sekitar jika kita terlalu senang? well, somebody will try to think "it was fun, i dont care, it was fun!"..... very bad! sangat disayangkan bagi yang tidak mengetahui arti kesenangan semata. Nah, itu sedikit informasi yang mungkin katanya akurat.

Oh ya, Posting sebelumnya berupa subtitle Inggris kan? karena tahun ini hal yang kata orang-orang baru, saya juga akan bertindak fikir kepada hal yang baru. nah, yang baru itu maksudnya lebih ke kearifan lokal yah walaupun ada sedikit bahasa nyeleneh sih... boleh kan belajar sedikit. jangan terlalu rumit dulu lah, masa udah mau go international aja. well, mulai sekarang akan dipostingkan kebanyakan pakai bahasa negara sendiri.

akhir tahun 2012? pesta selamat tahun baru
akhir tahun 2013? pesta selamat tahun baru
akhir tahun 2014? pengennya pesta selamat tahun baru berbeda dari tahun sebelumnya
Ah.... itulah ketidakpuasan manusia untuk selalu menginginkan yang baru. tapi tau gak arti dari tahun baru? "tau! memasuki tahun baru, punya resolusi yang wah!" terus itu aja?? bukan, tahun baru kan berarti tahun yang bertambah besar angkanya.. nah usia kita juga bertambah? right, semakin tua yah umur kita karena juga bertambah. artinya? semakin berfikir dewasa dan menjalani hidup dengan benar. just a warn for you all. like what i've said... jangan terlalu senang. kita ga tau yang akan terjadi di tahun ini kan... berdoalah kawan... Tuhan menginginkan kita untuk berdoa setiap harinya, setiap tahunnya... i love the rules in this game of life. ditambah juga jangan banyak keluh kesah karena akan membusuk dan menjadi pendendam. oleh karena itu, yang dimaksud tahun baru itu adalah berkurangnya usia dan perjalanan hidup. masih mau senang-senang yang terlalu senang-senang? i trust you kok.
Well, semoga kita semua mendapat yang terbaik dan mendapat masalah yang bisa terpecahkan dengan baik juga dijadikan sebagai panutan hidup.

"We find an unique's rock and kept it to show to people  . But we keep that unique because it was unique, not to keep the rock that just plain rock"

Monday, July 8, 2013

Mourning for Indonesia's Architecture

I love Indonesia, because; I lived in it, I stand in it, I land in it, I shelter myself in it

       About the title, you should know this is about feels of Architecture in Indonesia then about expectation for that. Why do i say..... this is a mourn of Indonesia's Architecture. Because i look at the condition.

Every country has its own speciality of their shelter. Shelter's changing up to the form. Some professional designer make Architecture as a games, their rules and their imagination become one. Some country toward to the International Architecture, it make a good sense for people. What a great Architecture! What a great idea! i think. BUT they have environmental rules; how important the ecology is, not to damaged the world's atmosphere, how important knowledge is. yesterday i found a news the Big Rethink from Architectural Review
Drawing on the lessons of the series, the final part of the Big Rethink proposes a new kind of prototypical neighbourhood that expresses a more resonant connection with all aspects of the human condition and suggests a genuinely enriching approach to indivual and communal life
Then yes! absolutely environmental friendly more important. you put your imagination as much as you have but think the rules! like a games
Indonesia has many culture, forest, and great Mother-Nature. Indonesia in Wet Tropical Climate where it will be rain and summer. Indonesia must be have speciality of their Architectural. it MUST. honestly, now Indonesia is grief stricken over the destruction of nature. sooo bad! even people blame on Architect. as prospective young Architect, i will not ignorant of this thing. This is what i called mourning :
Urbanization and economic growth are not based on principles of humanity and justice will be bad. Urban space is getting crowded by those who are fighting for a bite of rice. Social and economic inequality is widening. Slums are mirror this gap. Necessary approach also improved the welfare of the city spatial system to solve systemic problems in Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia.

-The more population, The more a need, The more damage that occurs to meet human needs-
Very unfortunate, very sad to see the condition of the existing architectural shortages in Indonesia.

I conclude that an architect may partially destroy the importance of greening because of the bonus gained from the developer for violating the rules of green open space.
However the most part, the young architect in Indonesia is trying hard to make a good project and ecological. For example, like Ridwan Kamil who built slums to be arranged neatly. This is an example of the greatest generation of today to Architectural in Indonesia. Concern for the condition of Indonesia is also felt by the young Architect, Yu Sing.

Thus, this is my country then i am the prospective of the Indonesia's Architecture changes. I will do the best Architectural from Wet Tropical Climate applications. Then how we learn to apply the nature of a project without damaging nature itself. Care of people, Care about world

"I am Harlisa Norman, because I am the next YOUNG ARCHITECT's generation of the best player"

Monday, March 4, 2013

why choose BIO-STRUCTURE?

Wondering, why the girl who’s very hate bio-science when her at school suddenly become applying the bio-structure with her projects?

ACTually, I have no IDEA
It Begins with the invitated from my sister, went to mall, we stopped into the bookstore called “gra**dia” then I saw around to find my interested which is architectural’s book. I couldn’t find some because more expensive price x| I found new little book called “Bio-structural Analogues in Architectural” brilliant! Its about how concepting and analyxe modeling. Then, thanks Allah to support me! The story began from conversation.

My sister said : “what are you doing with that book”,
with my sparkled eyes “I want this book, sist, but look at the prices. I don’t have money”
My sister : “is it your need?”
Me : “Ofc! Look! They learn what I must learn!”
Sister : “if you need that so much, I must to buy this one… BUT!”
Me : “BUT????”
Sister : “make sure this book is useful to your brains and knowledge!”
Me : “YES, MADAM! I’ll J” “Thankyou so much”
Sister : “Just remember!”

Here’s the proves that I have that book

 Teach me how to make a concept from the strctures of plants and animal. small but it makes for amaze your idea
                This inspirational book seeks to discover the architectural potential of biological structures as can be found in nature, in the world of seashells, corals, plants and animals. The structures that give biological forms strength, movement, firmness and flexibility are studied, illustrated and used as an inspiration for a huge number of design experiments, of which the thinking, working and final prototyping process is shown in this book.
                In case, I didn’t like biology when I was in school! But why it must be Bio-structure in my mind? Well, there’s a positive reason : (1) I like to make sth new and different, (2) I love plants, and (3) we are bio, and bios need to meet each other, reciprocal relationship of mutualistis, I will make plants or animals structure can be bought to buildings.

As I should, I had to apply Bio-Structure

This what I want to going to my dreamland, I need to learn much Bio-structural. Then I want to be a famous Architect’s woman were able to make a differences :D high dreams are definitely BEST FUTURE!