Friday, October 17, 2014


as I have a previous post about the bio-structure, I am very happy to learn how a structure of living things in order to survive. but until now I haven't apply that concept into the lecture, the time factor is also distrust. Now I've arrived at seventh grade, and trying to apply the concept of bio-structure. oh yeah 

on the title? Fortunately I was undergoing research on bioclimatic architecture, yap fits perfectly with the title of the project I'm interested in today is urban farming. save the earth is human's duty, isn't it? bioclimatic architecture is a building that responds to local climatic conditions, thus saving the cost of electricity and psychological health. known figure in his work is Ken Yeang, he is an architect of Malaysia and one of the 50 characters that save the earth. wow! so proud of you, sir. hopes to become the heroine who plays a role in saving the earth :) 

urban farming will require a lot of light from the outside and ward solar radiation, with adjustments to local climatic conditions. the enormous influence of climate response. bioclimatic architecture is the right choice for urban farming project. however, whether the concept of bio-structure can be combined with bioclimatic? first, look at this picture 

in general, the form of bio-structure is strengthening the structure of the elements. in bioclimatic theory, the outside walls are framed and hollow to reduce excessive air intake so that the air deflection. while the interests of living beings is the most important, it isn't wrong if the concept of an element when the living being itself. therefore, this is a perfect blending. so that the intimate relationship between human beings and plants will arise and the better social activities because of the influence of architecture that resembles the shape of living things. with no egos or individualism.

So, what is a bio-architecture-climate structure is an architectural concept that takes into the strengthening of the structure in bios and its response to climate. I've been thinking to make the shorter word, with the title "Biostruclimate" hahaha idk people, it's just suddenly there was lighting ball above my head. I also think of the relationship diagram of this concept, following my personal analysis :
on the diagram to explain the benefits of climate elements must be incorporated into the building while that is not used is discarded

the conclusion is returned to you, how do you work the concept to save the earth with the conditions that exist today. very sad. let's think about the program of your own creations, peeps. thankyou

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