Monday, July 8, 2013

Mourning for Indonesia's Architecture

I love Indonesia, because; I lived in it, I stand in it, I land in it, I shelter myself in it

       About the title, you should know this is about feels of Architecture in Indonesia then about expectation for that. Why do i say..... this is a mourn of Indonesia's Architecture. Because i look at the condition.

Every country has its own speciality of their shelter. Shelter's changing up to the form. Some professional designer make Architecture as a games, their rules and their imagination become one. Some country toward to the International Architecture, it make a good sense for people. What a great Architecture! What a great idea! i think. BUT they have environmental rules; how important the ecology is, not to damaged the world's atmosphere, how important knowledge is. yesterday i found a news the Big Rethink from Architectural Review
Drawing on the lessons of the series, the final part of the Big Rethink proposes a new kind of prototypical neighbourhood that expresses a more resonant connection with all aspects of the human condition and suggests a genuinely enriching approach to indivual and communal life
Then yes! absolutely environmental friendly more important. you put your imagination as much as you have but think the rules! like a games
Indonesia has many culture, forest, and great Mother-Nature. Indonesia in Wet Tropical Climate where it will be rain and summer. Indonesia must be have speciality of their Architectural. it MUST. honestly, now Indonesia is grief stricken over the destruction of nature. sooo bad! even people blame on Architect. as prospective young Architect, i will not ignorant of this thing. This is what i called mourning :
Urbanization and economic growth are not based on principles of humanity and justice will be bad. Urban space is getting crowded by those who are fighting for a bite of rice. Social and economic inequality is widening. Slums are mirror this gap. Necessary approach also improved the welfare of the city spatial system to solve systemic problems in Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia.

-The more population, The more a need, The more damage that occurs to meet human needs-
Very unfortunate, very sad to see the condition of the existing architectural shortages in Indonesia.

I conclude that an architect may partially destroy the importance of greening because of the bonus gained from the developer for violating the rules of green open space.
However the most part, the young architect in Indonesia is trying hard to make a good project and ecological. For example, like Ridwan Kamil who built slums to be arranged neatly. This is an example of the greatest generation of today to Architectural in Indonesia. Concern for the condition of Indonesia is also felt by the young Architect, Yu Sing.

Thus, this is my country then i am the prospective of the Indonesia's Architecture changes. I will do the best Architectural from Wet Tropical Climate applications. Then how we learn to apply the nature of a project without damaging nature itself. Care of people, Care about world

"I am Harlisa Norman, because I am the next YOUNG ARCHITECT's generation of the best player"

Monday, March 4, 2013

why choose BIO-STRUCTURE?

Wondering, why the girl who’s very hate bio-science when her at school suddenly become applying the bio-structure with her projects?

ACTually, I have no IDEA
It Begins with the invitated from my sister, went to mall, we stopped into the bookstore called “gra**dia” then I saw around to find my interested which is architectural’s book. I couldn’t find some because more expensive price x| I found new little book called “Bio-structural Analogues in Architectural” brilliant! Its about how concepting and analyxe modeling. Then, thanks Allah to support me! The story began from conversation.

My sister said : “what are you doing with that book”,
with my sparkled eyes “I want this book, sist, but look at the prices. I don’t have money”
My sister : “is it your need?”
Me : “Ofc! Look! They learn what I must learn!”
Sister : “if you need that so much, I must to buy this one… BUT!”
Me : “BUT????”
Sister : “make sure this book is useful to your brains and knowledge!”
Me : “YES, MADAM! I’ll J” “Thankyou so much”
Sister : “Just remember!”

Here’s the proves that I have that book

 Teach me how to make a concept from the strctures of plants and animal. small but it makes for amaze your idea
                This inspirational book seeks to discover the architectural potential of biological structures as can be found in nature, in the world of seashells, corals, plants and animals. The structures that give biological forms strength, movement, firmness and flexibility are studied, illustrated and used as an inspiration for a huge number of design experiments, of which the thinking, working and final prototyping process is shown in this book.
                In case, I didn’t like biology when I was in school! But why it must be Bio-structure in my mind? Well, there’s a positive reason : (1) I like to make sth new and different, (2) I love plants, and (3) we are bio, and bios need to meet each other, reciprocal relationship of mutualistis, I will make plants or animals structure can be bought to buildings.

As I should, I had to apply Bio-Structure

This what I want to going to my dreamland, I need to learn much Bio-structural. Then I want to be a famous Architect’s woman were able to make a differences :D high dreams are definitely BEST FUTURE!

Monday, January 21, 2013


HELLO again reader!!

I'm not sure with my grammar in my previous posts, so i apologize for my grammar if that the worst

Well, as you know, if you read my last update status and tweet "see my blog soon - heavy metal house" it was about my duty for Computer in Architecture (Komputer dalam arsitektur) i'm not a broken promise, huh?. My lecturer gave us to copied the Heavy Metal House plans then make a facades of that with our idea. with used autoCAD, as we know autoCAD is the part of heart for engineer and smart application without pencil, ruler, eraser in them. so easy right? 

NB : i mean easy for architect's student and architects. for all commons --> they said : "WHAT?! IT IS NOT EASY" easy ladies and gentlemen, yes i knew it dear. zzz back to the topic

COPY FOR HEAVY METAL HOUSE!! ARE YOU KIDDING, SIR! why it must be copied although it was build and finished the construction! and.... and.... like the copier.... its alright, someone need to learn hfffftttt. heavy metal house is a big house very big and wide! here it is the heavy metal's floor plan :

copied one by one of line by line.... fortunately, my eyes still in my head
Actually, this duty was about for holiday before we faced the final exam, do you know what i'm thinking when i'm at holiday thinking? YES! ABSOLUTELY, holiday is about rest, sleep, eat, watch movies, or rolling my body, rocking my body!!!! not bad idea for my heavy metal house, little disappointed because i shirk them off :( no not again..... Here was the result if I shirk my work :
Floor Plan

How??? Thanks for seeing :) this is not as good as an architect, right?still need to much learn. many projects are waiting~

Friday, January 18, 2013

WISHES ARE........... DREAMS ARE............

every people have many dreams
"Dreams are necessary to life"- Anais Nin  

everbody know where's the dreams, why they got wishes? yes, everbody need dreams, surely can't live without dreams in the wish list. one by one it comes to your, one by one it left in yours, then one by one it magical happen. they are transparency and some hidden in your mind-heart, except on thing DON'T LET YOUR DREAMS TO SOLD INTO THE DEVIL. Then you know, some of this motivation below, make your dreams in a real magical: 

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney  

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."-Eleanor Roosevelt  

"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." -Oscar Wilde  

"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work."
Colin Powell

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. " - James Dean

"Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions." - Edgar Cayce  

-Harlisa Norman   


Sunday, January 6, 2013


We are here, standing on earth! 
we are leaving 2012 and having a new era on 2013. 
Good Luck people!
THIS IS JANUARY, 2013. well, i've shocked! imagine that the first month on the new year 2012, you must keep on the final exam and tasks is everywhere, this tasks deciding me to next level at college. if i fail, no hope for my parents, because task is the bigger score. level up to 4, my brains should be level up too! many tasks are queued in my brain and out with my hands. lazy, yes i'm little lazy. just "little". they are autoCAD and Theory of Architecture. should i say that they are 60% finished. we are in holiday, sir! but i thanked to this :) never mind, i'm a astudent college, right? no more lazy please. this i called 60% :

Well, in my first post on 2013, i like to post a wish list and what going to do and not going to do for 2013!
"GAME OVER" = finish the exam
"YOU WIN" = pass the level 3
"K.O" = sleeping in holiday
"WELCOME TO HELL" = starting level 4

what i'm going to do on 2013 :                    what i'm not going to do on 2013 :
1. praying, trying, doing                              1. lazy, lying on bed
2. doing well the exam, get  high score        2. get the worst high score
3. makes my family happy                          3. makes my family sad and disappoint
4. doing the best on level 4                         4. doing the bad idea on level 4
5. meet the happy new year happily            5. meet the worst happy new year

---just a simple to do list---

Wish list :
Firstly, ofc i want doing well the exams and get the high score or IP. surely if i do this, my mother will be proud of me :) level 2 i am down, and hope this never be occure again. Secondly, my family still complete this year, and we are still together, give me a change and chance this year. Third, i like you to know the truth, i love someone and i heart someone that he is not my boyfriend. but i dont want to be his ghost, i dont want my feeling is in the wrong place :'''( this year i hope better place for my heart please. i dont know what i feel, i have a boy and he is my dearest not my lovest. so, maybe i am a cruel but I DONT KNOW EVERYTHING. love him so much :( please Allah. I LOVE YOU. give me the better, give me right way, hope you heard my wish. Amin

**simple wish list for ALLAH**