Monday, January 21, 2013


HELLO again reader!!

I'm not sure with my grammar in my previous posts, so i apologize for my grammar if that the worst

Well, as you know, if you read my last update status and tweet "see my blog soon - heavy metal house" it was about my duty for Computer in Architecture (Komputer dalam arsitektur) i'm not a broken promise, huh?. My lecturer gave us to copied the Heavy Metal House plans then make a facades of that with our idea. with used autoCAD, as we know autoCAD is the part of heart for engineer and smart application without pencil, ruler, eraser in them. so easy right? 

NB : i mean easy for architect's student and architects. for all commons --> they said : "WHAT?! IT IS NOT EASY" easy ladies and gentlemen, yes i knew it dear. zzz back to the topic

COPY FOR HEAVY METAL HOUSE!! ARE YOU KIDDING, SIR! why it must be copied although it was build and finished the construction! and.... and.... like the copier.... its alright, someone need to learn hfffftttt. heavy metal house is a big house very big and wide! here it is the heavy metal's floor plan :

copied one by one of line by line.... fortunately, my eyes still in my head
Actually, this duty was about for holiday before we faced the final exam, do you know what i'm thinking when i'm at holiday thinking? YES! ABSOLUTELY, holiday is about rest, sleep, eat, watch movies, or rolling my body, rocking my body!!!! not bad idea for my heavy metal house, little disappointed because i shirk them off :( no not again..... Here was the result if I shirk my work :
Floor Plan

How??? Thanks for seeing :) this is not as good as an architect, right?still need to much learn. many projects are waiting~


  1. keep up learningg! great and famous architect was once just like you. this is just a new thing, you'll get used to as you spend much time with it. and just believe few times later you'll be back to this post and think "was it this hard? ThankGod i've improved much, it is now easy to me!" go on!

    1. i got it Ahdiniii. oh very thanksss on your advice!!!! :* love yaa
