Sunday, December 2, 2012


I choose Daniel Libeskind for final duty on Theory of Architecture, yes this are the reason why Daniel :
1. he is the partner of Richard Rogers (first Architect man i loved).
2. his concept about re-design
3. what a great idea! re-design the old building
4. all of show a load with volume
5. look friendly faced
6. included the famous Architect in the world.

Friendly faced xD look wise, nice, and fun

thinking........thinking.......... i'm thinking.....yomayooooo....... oh, it isn't easy for doing this duty, even my lecturer said "you must know about biograph your favorite Architect, how the principal and concept is to design, see their works, how it works, then analyse their design".
after it, you just know what im thinking, huh? yes it was ver hard duty, however, how do you know you can analyse them without their building's photos? the way is modern technology called internet, yes you should type on papa Google "Daniel Libeskind" or from wikipedia, then find out what yo need (everyone knows). wait! what must i searching for? oh the lecturer said "find out the floor plan, elevation, faces, and siteplan too" whew... the final always very hard. harrrrggghh... very very hard! effort is the key. yes actually, my score was so bad. as you know, get the high score in Architecture studies not easy like economics or physiology. step forward to get high score and get scholarship! the way is in this duty i'll presentation with English speaking. i'll try, must be help! pray for me please, pray for my score :( then you will be the best people (ok too much joke). "with effort, prayer, trying, you can!"
anyway, studying in Architecture is like in a jail....... (skip) well, sorry for worst or none of fix words. see next post

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